A Family-Operated
Michigan Company since 1999
26 Years in Business
The only annual maintenance required on your sprinkler system is a sprinkler winterizer. Because of our location in a cold climate and water's expansion when it freezes, winterizing your sprinkler system is the most fundamental piece of maintenance that can be performed in order to keep the sprinkler system functioning for years.
Services Offered:
The key to a nice lawn is the use of an automatic irrigation system. We always tell our customers that if you do not care about your grass, then you don't need sprinklers. But, for those people who do care about their lawn and landscape, a Green Giant installed sprinkler system is the only way to go.
Our systems are fully functional watering devices automated to save you time and money while still conserving water and achieving the desired result....a green, lush lawn. Though sprinklers themselves are not the only thing that keep a lawn looking its best, it is definitely the starting point.
An automatic sprinkler system consists of sprinkler heads buried underground that are activated solely by water pressure. The pressure is what makes the heads come out of the ground and spray the water. There is no electricity used in the sprinkler system other than for the controller/timer. The controller is what releases the water pressure to the heads. When the controller tells the "zones" to open, the water is released to all of the heads that were installed on that particular zone.